Tag Archives: ryan stegman

Absolute Carnage

Absolute Carnage #5, written by Donny Cates cover artist Ryan Stegman

One of the most enthralling events surrounding the two symbiotes you’ve read about, Cates has done something special here.

While readers are left to explore the complex exposed relationship between Eddie Brock and Kletus Kasady, there is no clues for what we can expect from the symbiote god Knull and Carnage being a byproduct of a much darker sickness in the Marvel universe. Cates choosing issue 5 to highlight the escalating danger that Dark Carnage poses not to just Eddie but the Avengers and earth gives us a sense of overwhelming momentum for this series. You can expect a spectacular fight between the old rivals as the duality of the two symbiotic hosts is poised in a magnificent send off. Ending on a slice of father son closure you’ll be happy you took the time. Unable to contain the joy of soon getting my hands on Venom issue #25 fans of Cates work need only be patient if anticipating the next step in the symbiote god Knulls plan.

undefined The series will leave you wanting more but in the best way, a good read definitely worth the $5.99. You can buy the complete series here on Amazon.

Rating: 4 out of 5.